Meet Rambo, a gentle alligator
whose Florida owner says he "eats at the dinner table, sleeps in my bed
and follows me around like my dogs." More photos after cut;
But now his owner, 55-year-old Mary Thorn, is fighting to keep him since she was recently denied a permit for the 125-pound gator.
Thorn told ABC News today that she's had a permit to keep the 15-year-old alligator ever since she rescued and brought him home more than seven years ago, when Rambo was just a little over a foot long. However, the gator has since grown to be over 6 feet long and needs to be kept in the wild. In her words, the gator is her best friend and second son, wears clothes, rides ATVs, watches TV. What's your take on this? Can you keep a gator as a pet? Comment below

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